We run a series of workshops dealing with mental wellbeing issues in primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities in the borough and have piloted several programs including 1-to-1 support in a support working led ‘lunchtime drop-in’. We also offer the option of an assembly alongside each workshop.
Workshops last between 45 minutes and 1 hour and an additional assembly lasts an extra 10-15 minutes. Some of our programs are several weeks long.
The content is designed to fulfil the Department of Education’s statutory guidance and presented in a way that’s engaging and appropriate for each age group. We are always happy to specifically design something to meet your requirements.
This is an interactive session encouraging pupils to join in with the discussion through exercises and activities. The 45 minute-1 hour workshop covers the main topics of wellbeing at a general level and includes
Recognising and talking about emotions – The pupils are encourages to name as many emotions as they can. Are my emotions appropriate and proportionate?
This 45 minute-1 hour workshop covers in more depth the negative impacts of mental health including:
The impact of the pandemic as well as the upcoming change to life in secondary school has left many young people struggling with anxiety. This 45 minute-1 hour workshop is designed to help young people recognise the symptoms of anxiety and develop resilience-building tools:
This 45 minute-1 hour workshop is designed to help children in Year 6 and those newly arrived at Secondary school handle the stressful aspect of joining a new school and coping with new worries including:
This is a workshop for teachers to support their emotional resilience. Teachers are trained to look out for signs of mental distress in pupils but often don’t have the time to consider their own mental wellbeing. This 45 minute-1 hour workshop delves into the issues of developing resilience and covers areas such as:
A 45-minute-1 hour workshop, giving pupils a targeted introduction to mental wellbeing.
This 45-minute- 1 hour workshop is designed to help young people recognise the symptoms, and develop resilience-building tools:
A 45-minute-1 hour workshop designed to look at the effects of stress and anxiety and particularly that caused by impending exams.
This 45-minute-1 hour workshop deals with the core beliefs that effect our self-image and how it effects our mental health.
This is a workshop for teachers to support their emotional resilience. Teachers are trained to look out for signs of mental distress in pupils but often don’t have the time to consider their own mental wellbeing. This 45-minute-1 hour workshop delves into the issues of developing resilience and covers areas such as:
During the transition from adolescence to adulthood our resilience is tested frequently. For many this is the first time they experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. This a series of 6 workshops for those in year 12 and 13 is delivered online and designed to share essential knowledge to prepare for the next big stage in life. The topics were selected through focus groups with 16 – 19 year olds and include:
Many topics are co-facilitated with relevant experts including Achieving for Children, The Money Charity, Met Police, Mothers Against Mugging amongst others.
We offer young people the opportunity to train as peer mentors, or to have a peer mentor providing long-term focused interventions to support young people to build their confidence and self-esteem, support low mood and address issues causing anxiety. There is huge value in the training content. Taking students through the 4 week training program is a way to break down mental health stigma and create a supportive peer-to-peer culture in schools.
Talking about our feelings or worries with someone can really help us to understand our thoughts and problems. The lunchtime drop-in is currently running in one secondary school on a pilot basis. Sessions are run by a Support Worker – there to listen, offer follow up sessions and help identify possible steps and signposting options as a way towards feeling better.
If you are interested in Richmond Borough Mind coming into your site to deliver a workshop in person or online please email: youth.service@rbmind.org