Our specialist offer for young people is temporarily on hold. Watch this space for further updates.
Our Peer Support service for Young Adults can be accessed here.
We have a team dedicated to the needs of children, young people and their parents. If you are aged 8 – 25, or supporting someone that age, this is where you’ll find details of how we can support you.
Our work is with young people, in 1-to-1’s or groups, as well as with primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities, parents and others supporting young people.
We’re building our programme with youth clubs, come and have a chat with us or take part in one of our workshops at Powerhouse, Ham Youth Centre or Heatham House
It can be a challenge to access the right support, that’s why we are expanding our work all the time. Would you like to inform our thinking? Support us in service design? Represent your peers and make a real change to the support that’s available in Richmond?
Why not become a ‘Youth Ambassador’? You’ll meet with our council of Ambassadors, help us gather intel and make important decisions with the support of our youth team. Ambassadors will be compensated for their time with vouchers, drop us a message if you are interested youth.service@rbmind.org