If you are on the Serious Mental Illness (SMI) register because you have a mental health diagnosis such as Bipolar, Major Depression Disorder, Personality Disorder or Schizophrenia, yes it is.
Statistically living with SMI can reduce life expectancy by 10-20 years. We aim to support people living with SMI to ensure their holistic health needs are met and reduce this health inequality in Richmond.
During the health check lifestyle factors such as diet will be discussed, weight and height measurements taken to calculate a Body Mass Indicator (BMI), and a blood test to look at cholesterol and screen for diabetes, as well as a well woman or well man check.
We’ll be working with Primary Care Networks, GP practices, Health clinics and existing SMI providers, and those living with SMI, to make it easier to access annual health checks and look after general wellbeing, mental and physical health needs.
You can contact your GP or social prescriber. If you would like to know more, or for our team to assist with getting an appointment, please contact healthengagement@rbmind.org or call 07889 705694.